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Farm listening

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to the farm!

Here you are a listening activity using the following audio that you can find in the link:

It is about a family which visits the farm and the different animals and activities they find there. In the link, you can also find the script. 

The activity I did is the following one:

First of all, we warm-up and engage the students doing a brainstorming of the animals they know, using a padlet in a collaborative way, as the one you can see here:

Next step will be listening to the audio and discovering what happens with this family. Later on, we will check the understanding of the students and also, we will give them the following worksheets I created with Canva:

Once the students have listened to the audio twice, they will be able to answer the questions and together, we will correct the worksheet solving any possible doubts. 

Then, with my students, I did a role-play, giving them the script and assigning different characters to each of them. They can have some time to practice it and then, perform it in front of the rest of the students. I'm sure your students will find it very motivating and funny!

Taking into account the difficulty of these materials, I would recommend carrying on the activity with grades between primary 1st and 3rd.

Let me know you opinion about it and contact me if you want to have access to these worksheets. I hope you find it useful.

See you soon! 


Unit 8: At the animal farm: Reading and Listening: Story - Learning English Online. (s. f.). Learn EN - Archive.
